EGL Blog

The Evan Goldberg Law Blog

New York Workplace Accidents – Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Lawsuits

2024-02-16T18:33:08+00:00EGL Blog, Evan Goldberg Blog, New York Workplace Accident Lawyer|

New York Workplace Accidents - Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Lawsuits By Evan M. Goldberg Workplace accidents in New York are events that result in injury, illness, or death while a person is performing job-related activities. These accidents can occur in various industries and workplaces, ranging [...]

Availability of Doctors or Hospitals Willing to Perform VBACs in New York

2023-07-18T21:38:48+00:00EGL Blog, Evan Goldberg Blog|

Availability of Doctors or Hospitals Willing to Perform VBACs in New York By Evan M. Goldberg Letter to Editor of Journal News The article about the claimed unavailability of doctors or hospitals willing to perform VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarian section) due to a fear of [...]

Process of Premises Liability Cases Mostly Slip and Fall Accidents

2023-07-18T19:58:12+00:00EGL Blog, Evan Goldberg Blog|

Process of Premises Liability Cases Slip and Fall Accidents By Evan M. Goldberg Overview of Premises Liability Cases INVESTIGATION INITIAL INTERVIEW WITH CLIENT The importance of the initial interview with the client cannot be stressed enough.  A clear understanding of the applicable law is not possible [...]

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