New York Workplace Accidents – Wrongful Death and Personal Injury Lawsuits

By Evan M. Goldberg

Workplace accidents in New York are events that result in injury, illness, or death while a person is performing job-related activities. These accidents can occur in various industries and workplaces, ranging from construction sites and manufacturing plants to offices and retail establishments. Several factors contribute to workplace accidents, including unsafe working conditions, lack of proper training, human error, equipment malfunction, and inadequate safety measures. The most common reasons for New York workplace accidents include negligence in failing to provide the worker with personal protective equipment, safe working conditions, fall protection, protection from falling objects, guarding, warnings, safe gear and proper evacuation in case of fire, smoke or building collapse. Some common circumstances of New York workplace accidents include slips, trips, falls; contact with objects and equipment; exposure to harmful substances; transportation accidents, machinery and tool accidents.  Construction, transportation, and agriculture are among the industries with higher risks of workplace accidents.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

OSHA is a federal agency responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for employees. OSHA sets and enforces safety and health standards and provides guidelines for employers to follow. Employers are required to report serious workplace injuries and fatalities to OSHA. Workplace accidents can have legal implications for employers. Failure to comply with OSHA regulations may result in fines and penalties. Owners, contractors and employers may also face lawsuits from injured workers seeking compensation. 

Workers who suffer from injury and disability are entitled to file New York workplace accident personal injury claims. In the case of a fatal workplace accident, workers’ survivors may be entitled to file New York workplace wrongful death lawsuits. 

Employers and other companies or entities involved in the work are required to keep records of workplace injuries and illnesses and report serious incidents to OSHA. This information helps OSHA identify trends, assess the effectiveness of safety programs, and develop targeted interventions. Responsible parties must implement safety programs, provide adequate training, use proper safety equipment, and regularly inspect and maintain machinery and facilities. Employees also play a crucial role in maintaining a safe workplace by following safety guidelines and reporting any hazards or concerns.

New York workplace accidents consequences and injuries

Workplace accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, depending on the industry and job-specific hazards. Common injuries include fractures, dismemberment, head trauma, and traumatic brain injury. Machinery and heavy equipment pose particular hazards of impact and dismemberment.  Work performed at heights pose risks of falling and being struck by falling objects.  Workers in manufacturing, construction, and food service may also be at risk of burns, while those in industries with electrical hazards may face the danger of electrical shocks.

Eye injuries can occur from flying debris or exposure to bright lights, and respiratory issues may develop in workers exposed to harmful substances. Traumatic brain injuries can result from falls or being struck by objects, especially in industries like construction, transportation and manufacturing. Repetitive strain injuries may affect office workers and assembly line workers, while those in outdoor environments may be susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Employers and responsible parties can mitigate these risks by implementing safety programs, providing proper training, and ensuring compliance with regulations, ultimately fostering a culture of safety in the workplace. 

No matter how severe the injury is, injured employees should consult an experienced NY workplace accident personal injury attorney to learn if they have a case. If they suspect or know that the accident resulted from negligence or wrongdoings, or unsafe work conditions, they should consult a NY workplace accident attorney immediately after the accident!

Some consequences may be treatable and reversible while others are permanent and life-altering. Some of the injuries are fatal.  When injuries result in death, New York workplace accident lawyers help the deceased worker’s survivors to hold liable parties liable and seek compensation. New York wrongful death compensation may cover both financial losses and loss of support or parental care, as well as pain and suffering experienced by the decedent. 

New York workplace accidents statistics

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in recent years, there have been thousands of work-related fatalities and millions of nonfatal injuries reported annually. There were 5,486 fatal work injuries recorded in the United States in 2022, a 5.7-percent increase from 5,190 in 2021. The fatal work injury rate was 3.7 fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers, up from 3.6 per 100,000 FTE in 2021. Although there is increased safety awareness, New York workplace accidents still occur too often and leave several people injured, disabled or dead. New York personal injury and wrongful death lawyers are here to help. 

Workplace Safety Culture: Establishing a strong safety culture within an organization is essential for preventing accidents. This involves promoting safety awareness, encouraging open communication about safety concerns, and fostering a commitment to continuous improvement in safety practices. Efforts are continually being made to improve workplace safety, but challenges persist. Owners, contractors, employers, regulatory agencies and other responsible parties all play critical roles in creating and maintaining safe working environments. If a New York workplace accident occurs, learn what requirements you have to meet to be able to file a NY wrongful death lawsuit or NYC workplace accident personal injury claim.

New York workplace accident personal injury claim – Who is entitled to file the claim? How to hold the employer or supervisor liable for the accident?

Who is entitled to file a New York workplace accident lawsuit? It depends on the type of the lawsuit. In case of a New York personal injury accident, the injured worker may file the lawsuit and seek compensation from the liable party. If the person died due to a fatal New York workplace accident, then the deceased’s survivors may be entitled to sue the defendant. Typically, the deceased’s spouse, children, or parents file the lawsuit and seek compensation for their losses such as funeral costs, hospital bills or loss of wages.  Loss of guidance and pain and suffering experienced by the decedent are also appropriate elements of damages.

New York workplace accidents may occur to anyone; even office employees are at risk of dangerous accidents such as property defects, trip hazards, failure in evacuation or fire. Some industries and occupations involve greater risk of sustaining severe injury or dying at the workplace. 

What occupations are at the highest risk of New York workplace accidents?

Certain occupations carry a higher risk of New York workplace accidents, wrongful death or personal injury due to the nature of the work involved. The level of risk varies based on factors such as the type of industry, the work environment, and the tasks performed. Some occupations that are commonly associated with a higher risk of workplace accidents include:

  • Construction Workers: Construction sites are known for their inherent dangers, including falls from heights, machinery accidents, electrical hazards, and exposure to heavy equipment.
  • Roofers: Roofing work involves working at heights, posing risks of falls, slips, and trips. Additionally, roofers may face hazards from tools and materials.
  • Iron and Steel Workers: Those involved in the construction and maintenance of metal structures may encounter risks like falls, injuries from heavy equipment, and exposure to hazardous materials.
  • Electrical Power Line Installers and Repairers: Working with electricity poses risks of electrical shocks, falls from heights, and injuries from working with power lines.
  • Waste Collection and Recycling Workers: Jobs involving waste collection and recycling may expose workers to heavy machinery, hazardous materials, and physical strain.
  • Firefighters and Emergency Responders: While protecting public safety, these professionals face risks such as exposure to dangerous conditions on property, hazardous materials, burns, and traumatic injuries during emergency situations.
  • Fishermen and Fishery Workers: Those working in the commercial fishing industry face risks such as drowning, equipment malfunctions, and harsh weather conditions.
  • Agricultural Workers: Farmers and agricultural workers are exposed to risks such as machinery accidents, chemical exposures, and incidents involving large animals.
  • Logging Workers: Logging operations involve working with heavy machinery and cutting down trees, presenting risks of equipment accidents, falling objects, and exposure to difficult terrain.
  • Truck Drivers and Delivery Workers: Transportation-related occupations, including truck driving and delivery services, come with risks such as vehicle accidents, injuries from loading and unloading cargo, and long hours on the road.
  • Oil and Gas Extraction Workers: Workers in the oil and gas industry face hazards such as explosions, fires, exposure to toxic substances, and machinery-related incidents.
  • Healthcare Workers: While not commonly associated with accidents, healthcare workers face risks of needlesticks, exposure to infectious diseases, and workplace violence.

It’s important to note that within any occupation, safety measures, training programs, and the use of personal protective equipment can significantly reduce the risk of workplace accidents. Responsible parties are encouraged to implement comprehensive safety protocols to protect their workers and create a culture of safety within the workplace. Additionally, occupational safety regulations and guidelines set by agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) play an important role in minimizing workplace risks across various industries. However, many companies, contractors, manufacturers, employers and supervisors still act negligently and continue to cause New York wrongful deaths and personal injuries.  If you or your loved one had suffered from injury, disability or trauma because of a third party’s negligence or recklessness, you may file a lawsuit against the liable party. It is highly recommended to hire a New York workplace accident attorney. 

What does the New York workplace accident lawyer do? What are the key benefits of hiring the New York personal injury attorney or NYC wrongful death lawyer?

A NY workplace accident lawyer, also known as a personal injury lawyer specializing in workplace injuries, provides legal representation and assistance to individuals who have been injured or suffered harm in a workplace accident. Here are some of the key tasks and services that a workplace accident lawyer typically performs for their clients:

Legal Consultation:

The New York workplace accidents lawyer will offer an initial consultation to assess the details of the case. During this meeting, they gather information about the accident, the extent of injuries, and potential liability factors.

Case Evaluation:

The NYC workplace accidents attorney will evaluate the merits of the case, considering factors such as negligence, liability, and the client’s damages. They will determine if there is a legal basis for pursuing a claim.


Conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the workplace accident. This may involve collecting evidence, reviewing accident reports, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with experts in relevant fields.

Legal Advice:

Provide legal advice to the client regarding their rights, potential legal options, and the likelihood of success in pursuing a claim. The New York workplace accident lawyer may also offer guidance on the best course of action to maximize compensation.

Communication with Insurance Companies:

Communicate with the involved insurance companies on behalf of the client. This includes negotiating settlements and advocating for fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Filing Legal Documents:

Prepare and file the necessary legal documents to initiate a lawsuit if a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation. This includes drafting complaints, motions, and other legal pleadings.

Court Representation:

Represent the client in court if the case proceeds to litigation. This involves presenting the case before a judge and/or jury, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing legal points on behalf of the injured party.


Engage in settlement negotiations with the opposing party’s legal representatives. The NY workplace lawyer works to secure a fair and just settlement that compensates the client for their injuries and losses.

Legal Advocacy:

Advocate for the client’s rights and interests throughout the legal process. This includes challenging any defenses raised by the opposing party and presenting a compelling case to support the client’s claims.

Client Support:

Provide ongoing support and guidance to the client, keeping them informed about the progress of the case, addressing their concerns, and answering any questions they may have. Victims of the New York workplace accident may be devastated and suffer mental distress or chronic pain due to prolonged recovery and disabilities. Experienced and compassionate NY workplace accident personal injury attorney will be extremely helpful to manage emotions and stressful situations. 

Expert Consultation:

Consult with experts, such as medical professionals or other specialists, to strengthen the client’s case by obtaining professional opinions and testimony. Knowledgeable and experienced New York personal injury attorney knows exactly how to support the claim with strong evidence of the liable party’s negligence. 

In essence, a New York workplace accident lawyer works to protect the rights of individuals who have been injured on the job, seeking compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the workplace accident. The goal is to help the injured party navigate the legal process and achieve a fair resolution. Do not wait; contact our New York workplace accident attorney as soon as possible to consult on your case. Remember, we work in your best interest and the consultation is free!