Personal Injury Lawsuits and the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

Welcome to the new incarnation of my website.

I hope everyone is doing their very best to stay safe and sane during this pandemic.  Hopefully my site can offer some level of education and assurance regarding the continued viability of the civil justice system.  Now more than ever, our rights are vital for our democracy. It’s been said that a nation’s greatness is reflected in how it treats it’s weakest citizens.  It’s the role of the personal injury trial attorney to make sure that those in power remember that.

With the courts having been closed for months, I’ve been doing what almost everyone in the world has been doing; reconnecting with past clients and friends, and using my computer.  I’ve assembled videos, photographs, articles, verdicts and reviews in a way that will hopefully provide information and perspective during a visit to my site.

What you won’t find is any sign that your rights no longer matter or that recourse for negligent activity is disappearing.  Despite the logistical difficulties that currently exist to secure justice, that is only a temporary roadblock.   The law continues to serve as the great equalizer for our society; all we need are righteous individuals to both embrace it and protect the systems that secure it.

For past clients and friends, or anyone for that matter, please reach out.  I would love to hear from you.

Evan M. Goldberg, Esq.
Past President, New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA)
Chair, New York State Bar Association, Legislative Committee