Medical malpractice, negligence, & misdiagnosis

Evan Goldberg discusses medical malpractice, doctor & hospital negligence, misdiagnosis, failure to treat and surgical errors with “City & State TV.”

New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer

So we’ve heard a lot about Lavern’s law and the famous case of a woman from Brooklyn who died because her hospital never told her she had cancer. Can you explain what this law would do? Well, there are hundreds of thousands of victims of medical malpractice who die every year through preventable medical errors and Laverne Wilkinson was one of those people. She died because her doctors forgot to tell her that she had cancer. And when they did tell her she had cancer, it was too late to treat the cancer. But even more than that, it was also too late for her to even have a lawsuit. Strangely enough, her statute of limitations started to run before she knew she had cancer. And by the time she found out it had already expired. She has, she had three children, one of whom had special needs and requires lifelong care. And that case was over before it started. So the unfairness of that is self-evident. Most states, 44 States across the country have statutes of limitation starting from the date of discovery of the malpractice, rather than from the date of the treatment itself. And that makes sense. And Laverne’s law would seek to bring us up to those other States and what they’re doing.

NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Near Me – Contact

Have you been injured or lost a loved one due to negligence or malpractice of a healthcare provider? If so, please contact a New York City personal injury attorney at the Evan Goldberg Law. You can call us at 1 845-545-0448 or visit our contact page.

Medical malpractice, negligence, & misdiagnosis

Evan Goldberg discusses medical malpractice, doctor & hospital negligence, misdiagnosis, failure to treat and surgical errors with “City & State TV.”

New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer

So we’ve heard a lot about Lavern’s law and the famous case of a woman from Brooklyn who died because her hospital never told her she had cancer. Can you explain what this law would do? Well, there are hundreds of thousands of victims of medical malpractice who die every year through preventable medical errors and Laverne Wilkinson was one of those people. She died because her doctors forgot to tell her that she had cancer. And when they did tell her she had cancer, it was too late to treat the cancer. But even more than that, it was also too late for her to even have a lawsuit. Strangely enough, her statute of limitations started to run before she knew she had cancer. And by the time she found out it had already expired. She has, she had three children, one of whom had special needs and requires lifelong care. And that case was over before it started. So the unfairness of that is self-evident. Most states, 44 States across the country have statutes of limitation starting from the date of discovery of the malpractice, rather than from the date of the treatment itself. And that makes sense. And Laverne’s law would seek to bring us up to those other States and what they’re doing.

NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Near Me – Contact

Have you been injured or lost a loved one due to negligence or malpractice of a healthcare provider? If so, please contact a New York City personal injury attorney at the Evan Goldberg Law. You can call us at 1 845-545-0448 or visit our contact page.

Medical malpractice, negligence, & misdiagnosis

Evan Goldberg discusses medical malpractice, doctor & hospital negligence, misdiagnosis, failure to treat and surgical errors with “City & State TV.”

New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyer

So we’ve heard a lot about Lavern’s law and the famous case of a woman from Brooklyn who died because her hospital never told her she had cancer. Can you explain what this law would do? Well, there are hundreds of thousands of victims of medical malpractice who die every year through preventable medical errors and Laverne Wilkinson was one of those people. She died because her doctors forgot to tell her that she had cancer. And when they did tell her she had cancer, it was too late to treat the cancer. But even more than that, it was also too late for her to even have a lawsuit. Strangely enough, her statute of limitations started to run before she knew she had cancer. And by the time she found out it had already expired. She has, she had three children, one of whom had special needs and requires lifelong care. And that case was over before it started. So the unfairness of that is self-evident. Most states, 44 States across the country have statutes of limitation starting from the date of discovery of the malpractice, rather than from the date of the treatment itself. And that makes sense. And Laverne’s law would seek to bring us up to those other States and what they’re doing.

NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Near Me – Contact

Have you been injured or lost a loved one due to negligence or malpractice of a healthcare provider? If so, please contact a New York City personal injury attorney at the Evan Goldberg Law. You can call us at 1 845-545-0448 or visit our contact page.