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Buffalo News– President Evan Goldberg writes to caution drivers against the dangers of distracted driving

Another Voice: No one should lose his life over a text message
By Evan M. Goldberg and Dennis J. Garvey

As we continue our annual summer road trips, we know to check our oil and make sure our tires have enough air. But few of us think about something that can be a lot more dangerous – distracted driving. Across the country, 1,100 people are killed or injured daily by distracted drivers. In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in car accidents involving distracted drivers. Only last month, Patrick Wanninkhof, a Bronx high school teacher, was killed on a cross-country bike trip when an Oklahoma driver was looking at her cell phone while driving.

Just a few seconds spent reaching for a soda, turning around or even letting one’s mind wander can lead to drivers losing control and cause accidents with deadly consequences.

Read entire article.


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